On 1st December 2020 a specialized webinar was held on the topic “Implementation of a mechanism for monitoring the implementation of the persons trained in VET”. Representatives from over 60 vocational training centers and information and vocational guidance centers registered to participate in the event. The seminar was organized as a final event of the OnTrack project, funded by the Erasmus + program.

Career tracking is one of the tools for assessing the quality of the offered vocational training, and the training institutions have an obligation to report a self-assessment of the quality, including the indicator of the realization of the trained persons. Within the OnTrack project a comprehensive mechanism was developed for tracking the graduates of vocational training in VET centers. During the event, the benefits of implementing a tracking tools for all stakeholders in the VET system were presented, as well as easy steps in the implementation of the tracking mechanism in VET.

Ms. Vanya Tividosheva from Ministry of education and science presented the project VIREO-2 Pilot tracking, aimed at monitoring the implementation at the system level. The webinar ended with discussion on the applicability of the developed tools and the challenges for vocational training this year.