Leading institution: CEDEFOP, Greece

Duration: February 2017 – October 2018

Summary: Strengthening the infrastructure of skills assessment and skills anticipation in EU Member States is a key aim of the EU2020 strategy of the European Union, formalized under the initiative “Agenda for New Skills and Jobs”. The ambition of further ‘improving skills intelligence and information for better career choices’, so as prevent hindered productivity and growth due to skill shortages and skill mismatches, was further stated as one of the three key priorities of the European Commission’s “New Skills Agenda for Europe”, recently adopted by the European Council.

Cedefop’s direct support to Member States has intensified over the last couple of years and is related to the Union’s strategy and shared goal of improving skills intelligence and skills policies in Europe by producing regular skill demand and skill supply forecasts at European level and analyses of skill needs and mismatches across EU countries and sectors. Direct support to build or expand capacity in Member States will complement this work.

In this context and taking into account the formal request submitted to Cedefop on behalf of the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science, the European Centre has agreed to undertake a ‘supportive country review’ in collaboration with the national authorities of Bulgaria within the time period 2017- 2018.

To facilitate the implementation of the project, a National Steering Committee (NSC), representing relevant agents (policy makers from education and employment Ministries, research institutes, social partners, scientific experts), has been established at the beginning of 2017. NAVET participates in this Committee as an important “player” in the Bulgarian VET system.

The main aim of the country review is to identify country-specific challenges and provide informed policy support to the government by engaging in a review of the governance system of skills anticipation and matching, in close alignment with national policy priorities and interacting with key national bodies and stakeholders.

Cedefop presentation_Skills anticipation